So after toying with the idea of starting a blog for about a year I have finally decided that this will be a fun and informative way to track our progress this year. As show season falls upon us I am really starting to feel the freedom that comes with being a college grad. After an unsuccessful move up to Training level during my junior year I put off competing for all of senior year due to an injury, work, and a stressful school schedule. But now Gatsby and I have graduated and moved on to a new city, new barn, and new trainer and we are ready to give Training another go!
Gatsby is my 14 y/o OTTB who I purchased as an 8 y/o with very little training. When I bought him I was fairly green as well so it has been a long journey for us but I wouldn't change it for the world. Riding and training him has taught me so much more than I would ever have learned on a schoolmaster.
I am a (very) recent college grad who just made the long trek from beautiful Santa Barbara to the foggy bay area where my BF is attending grad school at Cal. After a month of settling in to my new home and new job I made the BIG move and had Gatsby hauled up here. Even though I love and miss our old barn I am pleased to say that our new barn is absolutely FANTASTIC. From people to facilities to our new trainer I have been impressed every step of the way and I am very excited to see what we can accomplish with these new resources at our fingertips.
Last Month’s Nuuly Review
1 day ago