Well, all has been pretty quiet in my life, equine-wise. Gatsby is still walking along and doing great (15 minutes this week!) and I'm pretty sure Kanye is the best baby ever, but I may be biased:) Any of you who follow me on Instagram will have seen an adorable video of him following me around his pasture last week. I was trying to get a conformation shot but it turns out Baby Yeezy is a BIG cuddler!!
George's parents are in town this week which has been really fun. They live in England so unfortunately we only get to see them a few times a year.My family is also prepping for Thanksgiving big time. It's probably our biggest holiday and we definitely go all out, pictures to come!
As the holiday spirit is definitely sinking in, I have decided to participate in
Tracy's Equestrian Blogger Gift Exchange, you should too!!! I am also copying her 5 Day Challenge as I really need some blog content since I have nothing exciting going on with my ponies:)
1. Most influential person on your riding

This is a tough one for me as there are quite a few...to go with the most recent one though I would have to say my trainer from when I was up in Northern California, Alexis Helffrich. He understood Gatsby more than anyone else I have ridden with, helped me get my confidence pack, coached us to a successful Training level season and had me actually thinking about a move up to Prelim. When I moved back to Santa Barbara work, travels and finances sort of got in the way of competing but I will definitely be training with him again when I get back at it. I wish I could still lesson with him every week but away at shows will have to do!
2. Piece of tack you’d love to splurge on
Definitely a custom Antares saddle. I have ridden in one a couple times and was absolutely enamored. Not to mention my current Stubben doesn't really fit me all that well. This is definitely the first thing I will purchase when I strike gold...whenever that happens to be:)
Yep, that'll do! |
3. Top 5 riding playlist
I never listen to music when I ride so this doesn't apply to me.
4. Most important aspect of your barn?
There are so many things I love about my barn but I have to say the most important is the amazing 24/7 care provided. The barn manager lives on site and is constantly checking the horses and does an amazing job keeping track of everyone and keeping them all happy and healthy. And, as a bonus, the owner's house is overlooking Gatsby's pasture so I know between them they are keeping good tabs on him!
5. Three winter riding goals
This is tough with Gatsby still being in the early stages of rehab but I would like to really work on my position, building up his topline (again) and getting Kanye out there on some pony rides.
Would LOVE to get Gatsby on one of these... |